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臺灣全民學習平台 Psychology for SDGs 講師:劉威德 影音教學 英語發音(DVD版)

臺灣全民學習平台 Psychology for SDGs 講師:劉威德 影音教學 英語發音(DVD版)

臺灣全民學習平台 Psychology for SDGs 講師:劉威德 影音教學 英語發音(DVD版)

The goals of sustainable development (SDGs) is the universal value of human beings in the current world, and psychology is the science of studying human nature. This course is based on the perspectives of psychological science research to explore the relationship between human behavior patterns and environmental sustainable development, such as motivation, attitude, helping behavior, prejudice, domination, personality, creativity and other psychological topics on the impact mechanism of sustainable development governance. With the aims to facilitating the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals, let’s work together and welcome joining to this course!
#英語授課(EMI,English as a Medium Instruction)

"Sustainable Development Psychology explores the human dimensions of sustainable development indicators from a psychological perspective. The sustainability of the world, in addition to physical factors and transactional planning, ultimately revolves around the subject: humans. Since humans are the ones promoting sustainable development indicators, it is inseparable from human nature, and psychology is a science that studies human nature. Therefore, the learning objectives of this course include:
Macro-level understanding of the background factors and implications of the United Nations-promoted sustainable development indicators.
Explore and understand the relationship between sustainable development indicators and psychological research, theoretical explanations, and the ability to describe the psychological significance of sustainable development themes and phenomena.
Gain insights into the entry points for psychological research applications in various themes of sustainable development, and the psychological knowledge base needed for the operation of sustainable development.
Ability to collect data and explore current international cases that use various psychological principles and methods to promote sustainable development indicators."

劉威德老師 Teacher Liu Weide劉威德教授是國立臺灣師範大學教育心理輔導研究所博士。服務經歷現職是國立雲林科技大學技術及職業教育研究所教授兼通識教育中心主任。其學術專長是心理計量學,以及在多項心理學分支的應用。例如職涯心理測驗與輔導、教育統計學、多變量統計學、教育測驗與評量、生涯發展與規劃。近10年來,積極投注於網路課程的製作與推廣應用。其已經開設當代應用心理學、社會心理學以及環境心理學等三門課程,並自2014年在國內外網路課程平臺持續開課,在Ewant、Cnmooc與Coursera,獲得數萬使用者的歡迎與肯定。獲獎經歷:2019年社會心理學課程在ewant獲得最佳人氣獎2016中國工業職業教育學會傑出教育人員金鐸獎-教學獎2016 ewant & Taiwanlife高?會當代應用心理學課程優良網路課程教學-銅旺獎2015教育部104年度教育實習指導教師優良獎2015年亞洲職業教育與訓練學會AASVET祕書長
2023年 AASVET學會副主席(Vice President)兼JAVET期刊總編輯(chief editor)【Service Organization/Title】Professor, Institute of Technical and Vocational Education, Yunlin University of Science and Technology
【Education】Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Counseling, Taiwan Normal University
Currently the director of the General Education Center of Yunlin University of Science and Technology,
Associate Professor and Director of the Counseling Center and Dean of Academic Affairs, General Education Center, Zhongzhou University of Science and Technology
Associate Professor and Director of the Counseling Center, Director of the Institute of Technical and Vocational Education, and Director of the Teacher Training Center of Yunlin University of Science and Technology
Executive Secretary of the Asian Academic Society for Vocational Education and Training (Asian Academic Society for Vocational Education and Training, General Secretary) 課程內容:
01_Unit 1 Introduction of Psychology for the Sustainable Development Goals 10 1 - 10 7?
001_Unit 1-1 Introduction of Psychology for the Sustainable Development Goals.mp4
002_Unit 1-2 Research method of psychology for SDGs.mp4
003_Unit 1-3 Why psychology matters SDGs.mp4
004_Unit1-4 perceived facts vsconstructed ideas.mp4
005_Unit 1-5 learning SDGs with empathy from other?s experience.mp4
006_Unit 1-6 Ways to SDGs_ESG.mp4
007_Unit 1-7 Ways to SDGsGood Life Goals.mp4
008_Unit 1-8 How to learn in this course.mp4

02_Unit 2 SDG1 No Poverty and SDG2 Zero Hunger correlated to Psychology 10 8 - 10 14?
009_Unit 2-1 Situation of poverty in current world.mp4
010_Unit 2-2 Psychological researchHow Poverty Affects the Brain and Behavior.mp4
011_Unit 2-3 mechanisms between poverty and psychological factors.mp4
012_Unit 2-4 Poverty alleviation programs.mp4
013_Unit 2-5 Psychology correlated to Hunger .mp4
015_Unit 2-7 What is the purpose of the 30 Famine campaign.mp4

03_Unit 3
017_Unit 3-1 Psychological perspectives on SDG 3Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all.mp4
018_Unit 3-2 Psychologists tasks to contribute in universal health coverage.mp4
019_Unit 3-3 Psychological perspectives on SDG4 Quality education.mp4
020_Unit 3-4 Psychological viewpoints and factors about SDG4 .mp4
021_Unit 3-5 Actions from Educational viewpoints and factors about SDG4.mp4
022_Unit 3-6 Actions from Macro Approach we can take to SDG 4.mp4

04_Unit 4 SDG5 Gender Equality correlated to Psychology 10 22 - 10 28?
023_Unit 4-1 Aspects for SDG5 Gender Equality.mp4
024_Unit 4-2 Psychological viewpoint about gender equality issue.mp4
025_Unit 4-3 The influence of Gender Equality to sustainable development.mp4
026_Unit 4-4 Gender equality is of really importance for several reasons.mp4

05_Unit 5 SDG6 Clean Water, Sanitation and SDG7 Affordable Clean Energy correlated to Psychology 10 29 - 11 4?
029_Unit 5-2 SDG 6.mp4
030_Unit 5-3.mp4
031_Unit 5-4 SDG 7 affordable energy about psychology.mp4
032_Unit 5-5 Psychology intersects with SDG 7.mp4
033_Unit 5-6.mp4

06_Unit 6 SDG8 Economic growth, SDG9 Industry infrastructure and SDG10 Reduce inequality correlated to Psychology 11 5 - 11 11?
038_Unit 6-2-1 Introduction of SDG9.mp4
040_Unit 6-2-3.mp4
042_Unit 6-3-2.mp4
043_Unit 6-3-3 SDG 10.mp4

07_Unit 7 SDG11 City, Community and SDG12 Responsible Consumption, Production correlated to Psychology 11 12 - 11 18?
048_Unit 7-1-5 Research about psychology and SDG11.mp4
049_Unit 7-1-6.mp4
050_Unit 7-1-7.mp4
051_Unit 7-2-1.mp4
053_Psychological theory correlated to SDG12.mp4
055_Unit 7-2-4.mp4
058_Unit 7-2-7.mp4

08_Unit 8 SDG13 Climate Action, SDG14 Life below water and SDG15 Life on land correlated to Psychology 11 19 - 11 25?
063_Unit 8-1-5.mp4
064_Unit 8-2-1 Understanding of SDGs14 and SDG15.mp4
066_Unit 8-2-3.mp4
067_Unit 8-2-4.mp4

09_Unit 9 SDG16 Peace, Justice, Strong Institution and SDG17 Partnership for the goals correlated to Psychology 11 26 - 12 2?
068_Unit 9-1-1.mp4
071_Unit 9-1-4.mp4
072_Unit 9-2-1.mp4
073_Unit 9-2-2.mp4
074_Unit 9-2-3.mp4
075_Unit 9-2-4.mp4
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